Continual learning is a vital key to success. After all, the more you learn, the more likely you are to come up with solutions that work for you and your business. You’ll be more likely to improve your productivity because you’ll be working smarter, not harder.
Continual learning is a key to keeping your thoughts fresh, and your mind sharp and stimulated. The result is often better business decisions, better financial decisions, and the ability to see problems before they arise.
Think about it…
Life changes.
Business changes.
You must change personally and professionally to keep up with all the changes. If you don’t change the world around you will change and your skills will become obsolete. Just look at the changes technology has created in the business.
Change that is deliberate, and planned is good. Very, very good. And it can be very good for your bank account. In fact, you can grow your income, by growing you.
“Your income can only grow to the extent you do.”
A success quote from: T. Harv Eker
Source: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Make Continual Learning a Priority
A key to continual learning success is to develop a process of assessment, reflection, and action. Create a continuous learning development plan, using a wide variety of methods.
This could include:
- Identify personal and professional goals. Then develop a realistic timeline for achieving those goals.
- Make sure you have plenty of learning opportunities available.
- Read books – read lots of books.
- Attend seminars.
- Learn from our mistakes.
- Enroll in seminars and workshops.
- Be part of mentoring programs.
- Attend informal brown bag lunch sessions where individuals can talk about specific topics.
- Listen to podcasts on current issues.
- Go back to school.
So ask yourself these questions:
- What are you doing to grow?
- What are you doing to expand your thinking?
- How much time are you spending each day learning?
- Who are you seeking to learn from?
- Are you spending more time watching soap operas? Are you watching other people live their lives? Or, are you spending time learning and creating a better life for yourself?
Continual Learning Action Steps:
- Strive to learn something new every day. Take it one step further and journal about what you learned. Or, teach it to someone else. This will help take the new information you learned from your short-term memory to your long-term memory.
- Begin reading a new book on a topic that can get you a closer to your goal. Always have a book with you to read. This can be as easy as installing the Kindle app on your smartphone. When you are waiting at the doctor’s office, pull it out and read.
- Write down one thing you learn from that book today and take steps to implementing it in your life.
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